Differences: Predecessor product to current product

When you migrate logi.CAD/32 projects/objects to Neuron Power Engineer projects/objects, you will notice that the resulting Neuron Power Engineer projects/objects differ from the logi.CAD/32 projects/objects in some aspects. The main reason for the differences is that:

  • Neuron Power Engineer is based on the standard IEC 61131-3, edition 3.0 (= IEC-standard).

  • logi.CAD/32 is based on the standard IEC 61131-3, edition 2.0 but there have been deviations from it.

Neuron tries to provide a complete list regarding the differences of the logi.CAD/32 compared to Neuron Power Engineer. However, be aware that this list does not claim to be comprehensive. Please inform Neuron when you become aware of additional differences so that this list is modified/enhanced accordingly.

The following tables inform in which aspects Neuron Power Engineer differs from its its predecessor logi.CAD/32. The aspects are grouped as Neuron sees fit.

In this article:

Explanation for tables

The columns of the tables have the following meaning:

  • Title specifies the appropriate aspect as known from logi.CAD/32.

  • Migration points out how the migration handles the aspect. Mind that the aspect is adjusted so that it matches the implementation in Neuron Power Engineer.
    Migration can be done by the migration wizard or a command line interface for migration (identified as "headless tool" in the following description). Some of the migration results can be changed by configuring a file in JSON format (= JSON file) for the migration wizard or by specifying appropriate parameters when invoking the headless tool. See the documentation "Administrator's Manual" for information about the configuration possibilities for the migration wizard and the invocation of the headless tool and its parameters.
    The icons used in this column have the following meaning:


    The aspect will be migrated. 


    The aspect will be migrated. But Neuron advises you to check the results in Neuron Power Engineer. If they are not to your liking, you might have to adjust them in Neuron Power Engineer


    The aspect will be migrated. But Neuron Power Engineer will report some problems after the migration of this aspect. Check the results in Neuron Power Engineer and fix the reported problems.


    The aspect will not be migrated.
    If this aspect is not supported in Neuron Power Engineer, the results in Neuron Power Engineer will not contain this aspect. Otherwise the columns to the right inform what can be done or how the aspect is realized in Neuron Power Engineer.

  • LC32 informs about details of the aspect how it is realized for logi.CAD/32. Just the different parts are mentioned. 

  • NPE informs about details of the aspect how it is realized for Neuron Power Engineer. Just the different parts are mentioned.






identifiers in the logic
(ST and FBD)

Non-IEC-conform identifiers are automatically replaced.
Example: By default, Pulse-On becomes: _U_PulsetOn

If you are interested in a different replacing method, it is possible to specify a replacement list and/or the simpler algorithm (instead of the default one). This is possible for the migration wizard (by changing a JSON file) as well as the headless tool (by specifying the appropriate parameter).

Only in case of inputs (also BYREF inputs) as well as outputs: The original identifier of the logi.CAD/32 input/output is automatically used as alternate name for the Neuron Power Engineer input/output as long as no alternate name is displayed for the input/output in logi.CAD/32.
The advantage of this behavior is that the block interface in Neuron Power Engineer will still display the original identifiers of logi.CAD/32 while the identifiers themselves are conform to the IEC-standard. The reason for this behavior is that the alternate names are automatically used for the visual display in Neuron Power Engineer (as described below).

Non-IEC-conform identifiers are allowed.
Example: Pulse-On

At special locations (e.g. at the declaration location), such identifiers might have been embedded in: @""

Only IEC-conform identifiers are allowed.
IEC-identifiers are: combination of letters, numbers, and underscore characters which begins with a letter or underscore and which names a language element; The case of letters shall not be significant in identifiers, for example, the identifiers abcd, ABCD, and aBCd shall be interpreted identically. The underscore character shall be significant in identifiers, for example, A_BCD and AB_CD shall be interpreted as different identifiers. Multiple leading or multiple embedded underlines are not allowed; for example, the character sequences __LIM_SW5 and LIM__SW5 are not valid identifiers. Trailing underscores are not allowed; for example, the character sequence LIM_SW5_ is not a valid identifier.

Example: Pulse_On

reserved keywords

(info) Identifiers that are reserved keywords are automatically replaced as follows:

  • For ST/FBD:

    • Identifiers that are reserved keywords in a Neuron Power Engineer ST/FBD object are automatically replaced. 

    • Identifiers that are reserved keywords in a Neuron Power Engineer PLC object are not automatically replaced. 

  • For items that become an item within a PLC-object: 
    Identifiers that are reserved keywords in a Neuron Power Engineer PLC object are automatically replaced. 

Such identifiers are allowed.

Such identifiers might not be allowed – depending on the context

See the Neuron Power Engineer product user documentation for information on reserved keywords in Neuron Power Engineer product – search for "Reserved keywords in ST".

names of system blocks as names for user-defined blocks in the logic (ST and FBD)

(info) The names of system blocks are automatically replaced, if they are used as

  • names for user-defined blocks (as type name of user-defined functions and function blocks)

  • instance name for user-defined function blocks.

Example: The user-defined block Move becomes: _8_Move

If you are interested in a different replacing method, specify a replacement list and/or the simpler algorithm (instead of the default one). This is possible for the migration wizard (by changing a JSON file) as well as the headless tool (by specifying the appropriate parameter).

Names of system blocks are allowed as names for user-defined blocks.
Example: user-defined block Move

Names of system blocks are not allowed as names for user-defined blocks.
Example: user-defined block Move (compare MOVE block)

names of system blocks as names for variables or structuring elements in the logic (ST and FBD)


Names of system blocks are allowed as names for variables or structuring elements. Example: variable Move



Case of letters in identifiers
(ST and FBD)

(info) Case sensitive identifiers for local variables become unique identifiers.

(warning) Neuron Power Engineer will report errors for other case sensitive identifiers, i.e. for for inputs, outputs, global/external variables or blocks.

case sensitivity of identifiers
Example: The variables Var1 and VAR1 are possible.

case insensitivity of identifiers
Example: The variables Var1 and VAR1 are not possible. 

Objects in Project Management

Errors and omissions when migrating objects

  • When a logi.CAD/32 object is exported to an XML-file but this object is not supported in Neuron Power Engineer, the migration using this XML-file will not be successful. Example: A documents-object is exported.
    Best practice is to export the parent object of such objects (e.g. the project) to an XML-file. The migration using this XML-file will skip the objects not supported.

  • In logi.CAD/32, it is possible to enter various definitions in the properties of objects (in the tabs). Most of these definitions are not migrated to Neuron Power Engineer.
    Definitions not migrated are: printing forms (entered in tab Print-Forms), information for print-outs (entered in tab Master Data, Var.-List, Print-Order, Contents, GV-XRef, Var.-XRef), specific settings (entered in tab More), basic text for documentation (entered in tab Documentation), information for signal list (entered in tab SIG, Signal List or Signal-XRef)
    Those definitions that are migrated are listed in the following table.






(info) Blanks in the project name are deleted.
Example: Version 1x3 becomes: Version1x3

Blanks in the project name are allowed.
Example: Version 1x3

Only a project name without blanks is allowed.
Example: Version1x3



Libraries are realized ...

... as folders.

ST = structured text 


POU(ST) are realized ...

... as ST-objects.

program types(ST)



ST-objects containing one program

function block types(ST)



ST-objects containing one function block






ST-objects containing one function

(tick) for default migration when using the migration wizard
As a consequence, the storing behavior does not change for the included variables (see "Variable declarations for ST and FBD" for details.)

It is not possible to change this migration result (by changing a JSON file).

The function(ST) becomes...

... a function block(ST).

(info) for default migration when using the headless tool (without parameter -userFunctionsAsFunctionBlocks):
As a consequence, the storing behavior changes for the included variables (see "Variable declarations for ST and FBD" for details.)

The function(ST) becomes...


... a function (ST).

data types


Data types are realized ...

... as ST-objects containing one data type.

FBD = function block diagram  


POU(FBD) are realized ...

... as FBD-objects.

program types(FBD)



FBD programs

function block types(FBD)



FBD function blocks 






FBD functions 

(tick) for default migration when using the migration wizard
As a consequence, the storing behavior does not change for the included variables (see "Variable declarations for ST and FBD" for details.)

It is not possible to change this migration result (by changing a JSON file).

The function(FBD) becomes...

... a function block(FBD).

(info) for default migration when using the headless tool (without parameter -userFunctionsAsFunctionBlocks):
As a consequence, the storing behavior changes for the included variables (see "Variable declarations for ST and FBD" for details.)

The function(FBD) becomes...

.... a function(FBD).

LD = ladder diagram  



not supported

program types(LD)



not supported

function block types(LD)



not supported




not supported



Configurations are realized ...

... as items within a PLC-object.



Resources are realized ...

... as items within a PLC-object.

program instances


Program instances are realized ...

... as items within a PLC-object.

type instances

(info) Type instances are migrated to program types and program instances.

A type instance becomes ...

  • ... an ST- or FBD-object containing the program instance-name_TypeThe object is filed in a folder with the name of the configuration and resource.  

  • .... an item for a program instance within a PLC-object.


(info) Tasks are migrated with an exception.

Tasks are realized ...
Exception: A triggered task becomes ...

... as items within a PLC-object.
... a comment within the PLC-object.

global variables in configurations


Configuration-global variables are realized ...

... as global variables in a global-object (located in a folder with the name of the configuration). The configuration in the PLC-object contains a reference to these global variables.

global variables in resources


Resource-global variables are realized ...

... as global variables in a global-object (located in a folder with the name of the resource). The resource in the PLC-object contains a reference to these global variables.




not supported

structuring folders


Structuring folders are realized ...

... as folders.




Create a linked resource in Neuron Power Engineer.

non logi.CAD/32 objects
such as PDF-files, HTML-files etc. 


Such objects must be copied from the logi.CAD/32 project ...

... into the Neuron Power Engineer project.

vendor libraries with

vendor function blocks and/or
vendor functions

(info) Only the interface of vendor function blocks and vendor functions is migrated.

Regarding the sorting of variables:
(tick) The same sorting is used for default migration to NPE.
(info) The variables are sorted in alphanumeric order for migration when using the headless tool with parameter -sortVariables.

Use POU-unique names (when possible, project- and POU-unique) for all C-identifiers that are available in a global namespace. Details on the reason for this can be found in the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation, under "The dos and don'ts when working, When creating blocks with C-code".

The required C-code must be integrated ...

... into the application in Neuron Power Engineer.

definitions entered by an OEM in the tab Master Data for vendor function blocks and/or vendor functions

(tick) – if the project/objects are migrated when using the headless tool and the corresponding OEM-parameter -customerMode OEMID

This migration result is also possible when using the migration wizard (by changing a JSON file).

Contact Neuron for more information.

The definitions become ...

... so-called instance parameter items.
Ask your system integrator for details on the instance parameters.

signal data base



not supported

properties LC3_Namespace and LC3_Using (entered in tab More) for POUs, program instances and data types


The values might be a comma-separated list. These values become ...

... the according settings for namespaces.

Contact Neuron, if you are interested in details on how to specify the mentioned logi.CAD/32 properties.

Supported elementary data types



























































lower limit: D#0001-01-01

lower limit: D#1970-01-01



upper limit: TOD#23:59:59.9999

upper limit: TOD#23:59:59.999_000_000



lower limit: DT#0001-01-01-00:00:00.00

lower limit: DT#1970-01-01-00:00:00.000_000_000


(info) String literals not conform to the IEC-standard are migrated. This affects e.g. string literals with double quotes or with special characters.

String literals (constants) with double quotes are migrated ...
String literals (constants) with special characters (e.g. ' µm') are migrated...

... to string literals with single quotes.
... to string literals using a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digits (e.g. ' $B5m').

(info) for default migration when using the migration wizard: Strings without a size become strings with a length of 250.
It is possible to change this migration result (by changing a JSON file).

Strings with a size always keep their length – no matter if the parameter -stringLength is specified or not.



(info) for default migration when using the headless tool (without parameter -stringLength): Strings without a size become strings with a length of 128.

Strings with a size always keep their length – no matter if the parameter -stringLength is specified or not.



Variable declarations for ST and FBD





variables in programs

(tick) – as specified in this table 



variables in function blocks

(tick) – as specified in this table



variables in functions

(info) The storing behavior changes.
Otherwise, the variables are migrated as specified in this table.

Observe that it is possible to migrate LC32 functions so that they become NPE function blocks. As a consequence, the storing behavior does not change for the included variables (see "Objects in Project Management", items "functions(ST)" and functions(FBD) for details).

Variables in functions have storing behavior. 

Variables in functions do not have storing behavior.

of the following sections





Regarding the sorting of variables:
(tick) The same sorting is used for default migration to NPE.
(info) The variables are sorted in alphanumeric order for migration when using the headless tool with parameter -sortVariables.













Regarding the sorting of variables:
(tick) The same sorting is used for default migration to NPE.
(info) The variables are sorted in alphanumeric order for migration when using the headless tool with parameter -sortVariables.




(info) Initial values for VAR_EXTERNAL are discarded.

Regarding the sorting of variables:
(tick) The same sorting is used for default migration to NPE.
(info) The variables are sorted in alphanumeric order for migration when using the headless tool with parameter -sortVariables.

Initial values for VAR_EXTERNAL are possible. 

Initial values for VAR_EXTERNAL are not possible. 

of the following types




derived variables




subrange variables

(warning) The variable is migrated but the subrange is lost.

The subrange becomes...

a comment.

array variables




enumeration variables

(warning) Neuron Power Engineer will report errors for such variables.


not supported

with the following attributes





(info) A variable with attribute CONST is migrated.
But the attribute is lost for a VAR_EXTERNAL variable, a VAR_TEMP variable or a BYREF input.

CONST becomes...
The attribute is lost for VAR_EXTERNAL, VAR_TEMP or BYREF ...

because CONSTANT is not supported there.


(info) A variable with attribute RETAIN is migrated.
But the attribute is lost or highlighted as faulty for a VAR_EXTERNAL variable, a VAR_TEMP variable or a BYREF input.

The attribute is lost or highlighted as faulty for VAR_EXTERNAL, VAR_TEMP or BYREF ...

because RETAIN is not supported there.


(info) A BYREF input is migrated to an in-out variable.
Neuron Power Engineer displays the user interface of the block as it is in logi.CAD/32. This means that only the input connection point of the in-out variable is displayed in Neuron Power Engineer. It is also possible that other variables are located on the opposite position of the input connection point.

The BYREF input becomes...

an in-out variable (VAR_IN_OUT).




not supported




not supported

the following pieces of information for variables




long name

(info) The long name is automatically enclosed by single quotes: ''

Single quotes '' within the long name are replaced...

by double quotes "" within the long name.


(info) The comment is automatically enclosed by single quotes: ''

Single quotes '' within the comment are replaced...

by double quotes "" within the comment.

technical units



not supported




not supported

alternate names for in-/outputs

(info) Alternate names are only migrated in case of the active LC32 setting Alternate I/O-names.

There is a special behavior, if no alternate name for an input (also BYREF input) or output is displayed and the identifier is a non-IEC-conform identifier: The original identifier of the logi.CAD/32 input/output is automatically used as alternate name for the Neuron Power Engineer input/output (see item "identifiers in the logic (ST and FBD)" for more information).



physical address

(info) Physical addresses for outputs are migrated to hardware addresses for outputs conform to the IEC-standard.
This means: The second character O of the address is migrated to the second character Q.

Invalid physical addresses are removed.

Example: %OB0 is migrated to...


additional information e.g. for variables (specified by an OEM)


The definitions become...

... initial values of the so-called instance parameter.Ask your system integrator for details on the instance parameters.

Data type declarations





of the following types




derived data types




subrange data types

(warning) The data type is migrated but the subrange is lost. 

The subrange becomes...

a comment.

array data types




enumeration data types

(warning) Neuron Power Engineer will report errors for such data types.


not supported

structured data types 


Regarding the sorting of variables:
(tick) The same sorting is used for default migration to NPE.
(info) The variables are sorted in alphanumeric order for migration when using the headless tool with parameter -sortVariables.



Regarding the sorting of variables:
For default migration, the specification {KeepElementOrder} is entered.
For migration with the parameter, this specification is not entered.

the following pieces of information for structure elements




long name

(info) The long name is automatically enclosed by single quotes: ''

Single quotes '' within the long name are replaced...

by double quotes "" within the long name.


(info) The comment is automatically enclosed by single quotes: ''

Single quotes '' within the comment are replaced...

by double quotes "" within the comment.




not supported

layout for data types: color, line type



The default layout is used.

Elements for function block diagram

If the POU(FBD) in logi.CAD/32 contains faulty FBD-elements, those FBD-elements are still faulty in Neuron Power Engineer.





empty value fields



not supported

value fields with content and the following pieces of information




position, size




text (variable or literal) in value field


String literals (constants) with double quotes are migrated ...
String literals (constants) with special characters (e.g. ' µm') are migrated ...

... to string literals with single quotes.
... to string literals using a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digits (e.g. ' $B5m').

inverted, connected in-/outputs


Inverted in-/outputs are called ...

... negated in-/outputs. 

inverted, unconnected in-/outputs



not supported
An error message will report this error.

layout: color, font



The default layout is used.

flipped value fields

(info) Re-position such value fields in order to correct the line connections.

Flipped value fields become ...

... normal values fields but the original line connections are kept.

call of function block or functions with the following pieces of information




position, size




name of function block or function




in-/outputs: name and position




EN and ENO: behavior

There are some differences, when EN=FALSE.

The left columns contain only the differences.
If you want information on the general behavior of EN and ENO, see the appropriate documentation.


The different behavior, when EN=FALSE:

  • All outputs of a function block or a function (except ENO) keep the most recently assigned values.

  • If the outputs of the block are connected with value fields either directly, via connector fields or indirectly (via other value fields), there will be no assignment to the variables defined in the value fields.

  • An inverted, unconnected EN input is supported but its value is ignored regarding the execution of the function block or function.

See the logi.CAD/32 online-help for information on the behavior in logi.CAD/32 – search for "Behavior of Processing Blocks with EN and ENO".

The different behavior, when EN=FALSE:

  • All outputs of a function block (except ENO) keep the most recently assigned values. But all outputs and the return value of a function (except ENO) get the initial value. Reason: Variables in functions do not have storing behavior.

  • If the outputs of the block are connected with value fields either directly or via connector fields, there will be no assignment to the variables defined in the value fields.

  • A negated, unconnected EN input is supported and evaluated with the value FALSE. EN=FALSE is applied as expected for the execution of the function block or function.

See the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation for information on the behavior in Neuron Power Engineer – search for "Execution control: EN, ENO".

inverted, connected in-/outputs


Inverted in-/outputs are called ...

... negated in-/outputs. 

inverted, unconnected in-/outputs



supported but such inputs are causing a warning
See the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation for details – search for "Negating inputs and outputs".

layout: color, font



The default layout is used.

displayed instance name




displayed priority



not supported

flag for inline



not supported

flag for retain



not supported

instance data

(info) Some lists and/or a format string might become normal text.

The list %"@ID:*" ... %"" becomes ... 
The other lists (starting with %"@MD:*" or %"*") become ...
Format strings %n, %t, %v in the list become ...
The format string %i in the list becomes ...

Wildcards for data items within the list are supported in logi.CAD/32.
Example: %"@ID:A*"Value: %v%"" becomes ...

... the appertaining dynamic text for the instance data: {instanceData("...")}
... normal text, that is: %"@MD:*" and %"*"
... the parameters %n, %t, %v for the instance data.
... normal text, that is: %i

Wildcards for the instance data elements are not supported in Neuron Power Engineer.
... the dynamic text {instanceData("A*", "Value: %v")} – But no text would be displayed in Neuron Power Engineer.
Workaround in Neuron Power Engineer: Change A* to the specific name of an instance data element, e.g. ActiveGroup. Subsequently, the value would be displayed for {instanceData("ActiveGroup", "Value: %v")}.

comment fields with the following pieces of information




position, size




text in comment field




graphics in comment field



not supported

layout: color, font



The default layout is used.

comment fields attached to empty value fields



not supported

comment fields attached to other elements in FBD

(info) Some format strings might become normal text.

Attached comment fields become ...
Format strings in attached comment fields become ...

... attached comment fields.
... dynamic text, if the appertaining dynamic text is supported in Neuron Power Engineer (see the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation for information which dynamic texts are supported).
Other format strings become normal text. 

connector fields with the following pieces of information


Connector breaks are called ...
Connector continuations are called ...

... connectors. 
... continuations. 

position, size




text in connector field


The text (name) for the connector is adjusted ...

... so that the name is unique.
Example: when there is already a variable with the same name

layout: color, font



The default layout is used.

flipped connector fields

(info) Re-position such connector fields in order to correct the line connections.

Flipped connector fields become ...

... normal connector fields but the original line connections are kept.

invisible connector fields (= mini connector fields)


Invisible connector fields become ...

... normal connector fields.

lines connected to FBD-elements, connecting an input with an output




lines connected to FBD-elements, connecting an input with a different input

(warning) Such lines are migrated but they are highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer.

It is possible to create a line and its starting or ending point are different inputs.

It is not possible to create such lines.

open lines
(lines not connected to FBD-elements)


It is possible to create a line and its starting or ending point is not connected to any element.

It is not possible to create such lines.

line connections with the following pieces of information




routes of lines




fixed nodes for lines


Nodes for lines are called ...

... connection points.

layout: color, font



The default layout is used.

OLT-fields in function blocks or programs




OLT-fields for value fields with content




OLT-fields for empty value fields



not supported

OLT-fields for function block instances




OLT-fields for function calls



not supported

OLT-fields for in-/outputs of function block instances




OLT-fields for inputs of function calls



not supported

OLT-fields for outputs of function calls




unconnected OLT-fields



not supported

OLT-fields in functions



not supported




not supported

feedback loops

(warning) Feedback loops are not touched.
That means Neuron Power Engineer will report the feedback loops not allowed, after the Neuron Power Engineer has been imported.

A feedback loop caused after a function call is allowed.

A feedback loop caused after a function call is only allowed, if a value field or a function block call follows the function call.

Depending on the configuration of Neuron Power Engineer, feedback loops for functions without a variable in between are highlighted as error or warning.

execution order of networks, if all network inputs are part of explicit feedback loops within the network

(info) A different execution order might result. This different execution order of networks might influence the behavior at the end of the task cycle.

If all inputs of the network are part of explicit feedback loops within the network or an input is used as output by another network, the network cannot be evaluated at first.
In such a case the next network to be evaluated is determined.

If all inputs of the network are part of feedback loops within the network, the network can be evaluated.
Only if an input of the network is used as output by another network, the network cannot be evaluated at first and the next network to be evaluated is determined.

execution order of networks, if a variable is used as array index for statements

(info) A different execution order might result.

In the default variant, logi.CAD/32 distinguishes where the array variable is used for the statement:

  • If the array variable is used as source for the statement, logi.CAD/32 waits for the evaluation of the variable which is used as array index.

  • If the array variable is used as target for the statement, logi.CAD/32 does not wait for the evaluation of the variable which is used as array index.

Note: There is a processing variant for logi.CAD/32 that is identical to the Neuron Power Engineer behavior.

Neuron Power Engineer always waits for the evaluation of the variable which is used as array index – no matter where the array variable is used for the statement.

execution order within networks

(info) A different execution order might result, if:

  1. there is no assignment in the feedback loop.

  2. the feedback loop is caused after a function call.

  3. the network contains a call with a connected input EN.

  1. The call of the function or of the function block being most top/left is selected for evaluation.

  2. Functions in feedback loops might result ...

  3. An EN-bracketing includes all following assignment statements (up to the next invocation statement). These statements are executed, if the input EN=TRUE

  1. The call of the function block being most top/left is selected. The outputs of this call are considered as evaluated until the call can actually be evaluated.

  2. ... in a different execution order within the network.

  3. An EN-bracketing includes the immediately following assignment statement only. This statement is executed, if the input EN=TRUE

Note: Different rules are applied, if you have used the start option lc3.fbdStatementSortLC32 to activate the execution order modeled after the predecessor product logi.CAD/32. The behavior modeled on the predecessor product corresponds to the behavior in the predecessor product with the logi.CAD/32 environment variable LC32_SORTORDER_TAR_DEP_CHECK=1. Details about the rules of the execution order for logi.CAD/32 can be found in the online help of logi.CAD/32. the information about LC32_SORTORDER_TAR_DEP_CHECK=1 can be found in the documentation for administrators of the predecessor product (in the article "Defining Processing Variant Concerning Variables Used as Array Index").

the following pieces of information for FBD-elements







not supported




not supported




not supported

the following pieces of information for the drawing field





Due to the different dimensions of page sizes in logi.CAD/32 and Neuron Power Engineer, the page size is decreased by one size.

Example: The page size "DIN A3" in logi.CAD/32 becomes...

page size "DIN A4" in Neuron Power Engineer.

layout: value field area




other layout: connector field area, grid, color, DXF-forms in background



The default layout is used.

the following pieces of information for the sheets




page number, short name



not supported

long name


The long name becomes...

the page name.

information on creation, changes



not supported

information on labeling system: ULS, PPLS, page ID



not supported

Sequential function chart (SFC)





steps and initial steps






Transitions with an inverted input for the transition condition but without a connected value field differ in their behavior. 
In contrast: Other transitions have the same behavior. 


Such transitions are never enabled.


Such transitions are not supported in Neuron Power Engineer. An error message will report this error.

action blocks

The comment of an action block is not migrated.
The indicator variable of the action block is transferred – but only if it is shown.


The comment of an action block...
The shown indicator variable of an action block...
If an indicator variable is hidden in logi.CAD/32, ...


... is not supported in Neuron Power Engineer.
... becomes a value field containing the variable. The value field is connected to the action block.
... the hidden indicator variable is ignored (and will not become a value field).

connecting one step to one transition and vice versa

(info) Check the messages of the logi.CAD/32 tool LCxmlExport whether error messages on SFC connections prevent a migration.



other connections for step sequences:

connecting one step to several transitions (alternative branch)

connecting several transitions to one step (alternative junction)

connecting one transition to several steps (parallel branch)

connecting several steps to one transition (parallel junction)


An alternative branch is called ...
An alternative junction is called ...
A parallel branch is called ...
A parallel junction is called ...

Lines of these connections are ...

... a divergence.
... a convergence.
... a simultaneous divergence.
... a simultaneous convergence.

... displayed with another line style.

execution order of SFC networks and SFC elements

(info) The execution order of SFC differs.

The execution order of SFC differs ...

See the logi.CAD/32 online-help for information on the behavior in logi.CAD/32.

... from the evaluation of SFC elements.

See the Neuron Power Engineer user documentation for information on the behavior in Neuron Power Engineer.

Ladder diagram





LD (ladder diagram)


If you migrate ladder diagrams anyway, it is likely that the results in Neuron Power Engineer will differ from your expectations.

Ladder diagrams in logi.CAD/32 are differently realized ...

... than in Neuron Power Engineer.

System function blocks or functions

See "Differences: System blocks in predecessor product to current product".

Graphical interfaces for user-defined function blocks or functions





displayed text: name




displayed text: alternative text
















position of in-/outputs




layout: background color




other layout options, such as font



The default options for the layout are used, when a new call is set.

the following pieces of information




setting whether a specific in-/output is to be inverted



not supported

setting whether instance name is to be displayed




setting whether to generate INLINE-code



not supported

setting whether EN and ENO are to be displayed



not supported

setting Alternate I/O-names (= whether alternate names for in-/outputs are to be displayed)

(info) The behavior is slightly different.

The alternate names are used for the visual display, only if the LC32 setting is checked.
If there are no alternate names, nothing is displayed.

The alternate names are automatically used for the visual display.
Currently, there is no NPE possibility to define alternate name and to not use them for the visual display (instead of the I/O-names).

setting for priority



not supported

the following elements in the interface




attribute input fields



not supported

comment fields containing the format string %I for the instance name 


Such comment fields become ...

... the instance name displayed within the interface.

other comment fields

Some of the format strings are not resolved.
In case of attached comments fields, the attachment is lost.

Format strings in comment fields, such as %t and %q, become ...
Other format strings in comment fields ...
Attached comment fields become ...
Format strings evaluated due to the attachment ...

... normal text (such as the type name).
... are not resolved. 
... normal comment fields.
... are not resolved.

layout of comment fields


The layout of comment fields is migrated...

as far as NPE supports the respective layout option.

value fields for an input, if the input is not connected


The value field incl. its content ...

... is migrated. Reason: The content of the value field (e.g. a literal) is used as value for the input.

value fields for an input, if the input is connected


Only the value field ...

... is migrated.
The content of the value field is not migrated. Reason: The value of the connected FBD-element is used as value for the input.

Note: This aspect applies to the textual format of the FBD-editor. If you delete the connection, the value field incl. its contents is displayed nevertheless. It is possible to enter a different value (that will be entered within the textual code of the FBD-editor).




not supported